Annual reports.

Read through our Annual Reports to learn more about who we are and what we do.
A young boy standing outside with his mother. The mother is close behind her son and they are both smiling, The mother is looking at her son.

About the report

Our Annual Reports summarise our work in the community over the past financial year. The reports showcase stories from our clients, volunteers, staff and supporters to outline the positive impact we’re able to create with your support.

A couple sitting outside watching their baby walk towards them. The mother and father have smiles on their faces.

View our financial reports

Audited financial reports are submitted each reporting period to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) and can be viewed at their website.

Black labrador dog in harness sitting next to its handlers leg.

View our Disability Action and Inclusion Plan

Guide Dogs SA/NT is committed to providing high-quality integrated services to individuals who are living with low vision, blindness and other specialised needs.

This Disability Action & Inclusion Plan (DAIP) represents a further step in the commitment the organisation is making towards its overall mission.

Read the action plan here.

A young boy with light hair wearing a pink shirt smiles while sitting in front of a blue couch.

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Free Will Fortnight: 17-31 March

Write your Will for FREE through our partnership with Safewill.