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Meet Kathryn
My name is Kathryn – I recently retired from my 40-year career in nursing due to difficulties I was having with my vision. In my 30s, I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a genetic disease that affects the retina and causes progressive vision loss. At the time of my diagnosis, I decided to just get on with my life. Then, about two years ago, I noticed some changes to my vision. I made an appointment with an ophthalmologist and came out being classified as legally blind.
Today, I only have 10% vision in my right eye, my left eye has no usable vision at all.
As my vision deteriorated, I was frightened. I had been so active in my professional life, my vision loss really affected my mental health. I was quite fearful, I didn’t want to go out, and I felt very isolated.
Finally, I walked into the Guide Dogs SA/NT office and asked for help. Their support has been wonderful – I have had Occupational Therapy to help me move around the house safely, and Orientation and Mobility Training to learn how to use a cane which has helped to increase my confidence and independence. When I came to Guide Dogs, my funding support wasn’t a consideration – they helped me regardless of funding so I’m eternally grateful for that.

Looking to the future
I had been so fearful of even going out my front door, but thanks to support from Guide Dogs, I have confidence to go out, access public transport, and learn to use new technologies. Now I’m looking forward to the future, and this Christmas I’m hoping to receive the greatest gift: a Guide Dog.
Coming to terms with the fact that my vision loss is significant enough to consider a Guide Dog has been quite confronting. I have declined a lot of invites to go out and be social, so I feel that a Guide Dog will give me the confidence to go out, be active, and build my skills to enjoy a full and independent life. Together, we could explore new activities, find new hobbies, and participate in the community – having the assistance of a Guide Dog will give me that confidence.
I’m very grateful that I’m in good hands with Guide Dogs SA/NT, I feel safe and supported and I am eternally grateful for the help I’ve received. I know that Guide Dogs SA/NT will continue to support me with training, therapies and perhaps one day, a Guide Dog, thanks to the generosity of people like you.
It costs over $50,000 to breed, raise, train a Guide Dog before they can be matched with someone like me. By making a donation today, you can give the greatest gift this Christmas.

Watch Kathryn in action!
Your contribution will enable us to provide independence, participation, inclusion and wellbeing for people like Kathryn.
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