Find out how Guide Dogs SA/NT NDIS team can help you

Date | Time
Fri 09 March, 2018

About the event

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the biggest revolution in Australia in providing disability services. The NDIS offers opportunities to help you reach your life goals.

At the heart of the NDIS is the ability for you as an individual with individual needs to choose services relevant to you as well as decide who you want to provide them.

At Guide Dogs SA/NT we can deliver a range of services and supports tailored to meet your needs – we are #more than dogs.

As with most things in life, good planning is the key to good outcomes. The NDIS is new, large and can present challenges in navigating the system.

If you or a loved one has a vision or hearing loss or a young child with autism, our friendly staff are ready to join you on the NDIS journey. Our NDIS savvy team understands the system and the opportunities.

We’re at the following Expos so you can meet us and chat about your needs. The free community information expos are open for people with disability, family and disability support workers as well as people interested in working in the disability sector. There will be NDIS presentations from the Government of South Australia at 4 pm and 7 pm with provider stalls staffed throughout the Expo.

If you can’t make it to the Expos, our Support Line 1800 757 738 is ready to take your call, or email More information:

Upcoming expo:

Adelaide Hills, Adelaide Hills Convention Centre
145A Mount Barker Road, Hahndorf.
Friday 9 March 2018
3.30 pm to 8.30 pm

Examples of how Guide Dogs SA/NT can help you:

  • Training in the use of a mobility aid such as a cane, electronic device or a Guide Dog.
  • Prescription and training in aids and equipment for the home and community, including workplace modifications if you are currently employed or seeking work.
  • Building your independence in the home and community (e.g. developing skills to support activities such as cooking, shopping, using public transport).
  • Increasing your participation in social and community activities.
  • Providing links with other services to help you maintain your independence.
  • Supporting you to achieve your life goals, such as living independently.



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