Magic of pageant alive for all

Date | Time
Sun 19 November, 2017

About the event

Santa has made it to Adelaide via the Credit Union Christmas Pageant to start the Festive Season!

And the magic, atmosphere, colour and spectacle were all accessible to our special Guide Dogs SA/NT and Royal Society for the Blind guests this morning in Wakefield Street where the pageant was audio described by Access2Arts.

Professional audio describers were perched on the SA Metropolitan Fire Service balcony, detailing some of the fine details of the floats and characters as they passed to waves and cheers.

The description was broadcast on Radio Adelaide with guests tuning in with hand held radios.

For Jade who has low vision, it meant she could fully enjoy the spectacle along with her husband, young son and mother. Their smiles said it all.

For Madde it meant she could fully be involved in the atmosphere. She used to go to the pageant as a young child, but hasn’t been for a few years until audio description was available last year.

“It’s way better than watching it on television,” she said. “It just increases the atmosphere and brings more enjoyment to the pageant.”

And there was even a special clown wowing the crowds this year. Our very own Jacqui from the CEO’s office was unrecognisable dressed as a clown and from all reports enjoyed bringing smiles and enjoyment to everyone along the route.

Thank you to everyone who made the day one to remember.

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