Navigating the transport system

Date | Time
Mon 29 January, 2018

About the event

Navigating the transport system can present challenges for people who are blind or have low vision. Our Vision Services team at Guide Dogs SA/NT work with government, local councils and large corporations to provide expert advice on access issues.

Our very own Peter Skjott – that’s him standing fourth from the right – joined the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) staff with Tony Starkey and Jeremy Peck from the Royal Society for the Blind, to lead a field trip timed with the International Day of People with a Disability.

Using a manual wheelchair and with glasses which simulated various vision impairments, the group travelled through Adelaide’s public transport network, with Peter, Tony and Jeremy providing guiding assistance and advice.

The session was extremely useful for the DPTI staff to understand the issues faced by customers who have physical or sensory disabilities, when using public transport and associated infrastructure.

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