An inclusive Christmas pageant for all

Santa is in town and the festive season is officially upon us, thanks to the excitement and magic of the 2019 National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant last weekend.
On Saturday morning, our clients and their families arrived at our exclusive Community Zone in front of the Metropolitan Fire Station (MFS) to enjoy an audio described pageant.
Made possible through our partnership with Access2Arts and with support from the City of Adelaide, our clients with vision impairment were handed portable radios to tune into Radio Adelaide, who relayed live audio description as the floats passed by.
As families lined the streets and children scrawled colourful chalk drawings on the pavement, the anticipation for the big man in red heightened – a clear favourite of all the children.
Our clients and their families also enjoyed a spectacle from the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes who flew over the city’s bustling crowds at 9am, as part of the Edinburgh Air Show.
We couldn’t have asked for a better day with the sun occasionally peeking from behind the clouds, adding some warmth to the chilly November morning.
Thank you to Access2Arts and the City of Adelaide for making an accessible, inclusive Christmas pageant a reality for our clients and their families.
We also thank Radio Adelaide for audio describing the event and the MFS for providing a great location to view the magic of the pageant.
Finally, thank you to our clients and their families who filled our Community Zone with their happy, excited faces and made the event such a rewarding experience for our staff too.