Flying High!

November 02, 2017

With 5th November looming thoughts wind back through history to the days when Bonfire Night and the accompanying fireworks were celebrated.  This, by a giant leap of lateral thinking, leads us to King and his handler, Clive Thelning, who he guided safely in the most unusual places, even getting up close and personal with giant size rockets!!

The majority of funding for Guide Dogs SA/NT comes from donations. The staff who frequented the canteen at ELDO rocket Launcher Base at Woomera were one of our valued donors in 1969.  Clive Thelning and his Guide Dog, King visited the rocket launcher to accept the donation.

Our picture shows high on the gantry of the Eldo rocket launcher at Lake Hart, King guides Clive as he discusses safety measures taken when preparing a launching with Don Needham, assistant to the Eldo project manager.

Not only did these hard working people help their rockets fly high but their generosity helped launch Guide Dogs to the heights that we have reached today. 

Before Guide Dogs SA had their own trainers, puppies were flown to Melbourne for their training.  Ansett was a wonderful partner in assisting in the transport of our pups.  See our photos of some of our early high flyers.






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