From Little Things Big Things Grow

Big dogs, little dogs, small dogs, fluffy dogs. Our promotional dogs have come in all shapes and sizes since the iconic Collection Dogs first appeared about 40 years ago in shops and other outlets.
Just like our Guide Dogs they have “shouldered” a big responsibility with small coins or their promotional power making a big difference.
Let’s roll back the clock a little:
The Lower Eyre Peninsula Auxiliary raised funds for Guide Dogs participating in the Tunarama celebrations held on Australia Day Weekend. The papier mache model guide dog was made by the pupils at Port Augusta North Primary School and loaned to the Auxiliary for the Tunarama parade 1973.
Gulliver the world’s largest Guide Dog model standing a storey hight and weighint 600-700 tonnes is a well- travelled dog in his mission to highlight all the services provided by Guide Dogs and that Guide Dogs can ‘go anywhere’. He’s hit the road for more than 50,000 kilometres and while kennelled in NSW he raises awareness of Guide Dogs services far and wide. He has been to SA twice and has been well received in many areas including regional SA.
Collection dogs have evolved and taken on many guises over the years and are still sitting hungrily on cafe and shop counters, banks and the bigger ones are sitting nicely in supermarkets. Children love to rub their black noses and we’ve a team of volunteers who regularly make sure they are in tip top condition.
Our mascot dogs Buddy and Milly have also played their part mixing it with the celebrates and raising our profile at promotional events.
So although these dogs don’t lead someone with vision loss their untiring work helps raise funds to provide safety, independence and inclusion to people living with disabilty. We reckon that’s pawsome.
Learn more about our Collection Dogs