Guide Dogs SA/NT pays tribute to its wonderful volunteers

Guide Dogs SA/NT pays tribute to all the volunteers who provide such valuable service to the organisation.
Marking National Volunteer Week (12-18 May), Guide Dogs SA/NT Acting Chief Executive Garry Peschel says volunteers play such as vital role across many organisations and are essential to Guide Dogs SA.
“We are fortunate to have such marvellous volunteers at Guide Dogs SA – all 280 – who provide a solid foundation on which we build our services,” Mr Peschel said.
“We have puppy raisers, puppy home boarders, people who open the mail and get those critical donation letters into envelopes, those who place the collection dogs you see in shopping centres and bring them in when they are full. They provide essentail administration duties, data entry and the friendly voice at the end of many phone calls and talks at the Discovery Centre, among a myriad other tasks.
“We really couldn’t do without our volunteers; they keep the wheels of our organisation turning. And it’s great that volunteers not only have a ‘let’s get the job done’ attitude, volunteers are nice to have around.
“Smiling good mornings and office banter help contribute to a cheery and vibrant workplace.
“We would like, particularly during National Volunteer Week, to say thank you to each and every one of you for what you do.”
Mr Peschel said that people volunteer for many reasons such as keeping up skills after retirement, students or migrants looking for work experience or just wanting to make a difference, developing new skills, forming networks and friendshps, or business and companies enabling staff to contribute to the community in a meaningful way.