Guide Dogs Walk Through all Walks of Life

Guide Dogs can go everywhere! And during our history they certainly have walked through all walks of life – they’ve been trusted eyes and ears, country dogs, TV stars, financial assistants, ambassadogs and many other roles.
Country life: Roma Partington and her guide dog Topaz. Roma lived at Ramco near Waikerie. With Topaz at her side Roma was able to assist at fruit picking time with Topaz. Together they learned the layout of the block and where the orange trees, apricot trees and grape vines were located enabling Topaz to lead Roma to the place that they had finished work the previous day. Topaz then waited patiently in the shade and, once the tree had been picked, would assist Roma to move on to the next tree. The duo also helped with cutting the apricots for drying both on her and other people’s properties.
The company of a Guide Dog allowed Roma to participate and assist in the day to day life in a rural community. The matching of client to dog and the versatility of trainers ensure that Guide Dogs can be Country Dogs as well as Town Dogs.
TV star: King became a TV celebrity on the iconic television show A Touch of Elegance along with his owner Clive Thelning. He handled the new experience like a veteran, enjoying, with the decorum befitting a pro, the lavish attention showered on him (with Clive’s permission) by the beautiful models in the dressing room nor was he star struck or overwhelmed in the studio, rather he took it all in and then went to sleep with his head in host Jay Walton’s lap.
Financial Advisors: Our dogs are able to go anywhere to guide their owners and assist them with their day to day living. Together the Guide Dog/Client team familiarise themselves with common destinations and with the assistance of tactile indicators on the pavements can safely reach their destination and enter a building with confidence.
Ambassadogs: Ambassadogs are as highly trained as our Guide Dogs and are therefore wonderful promotors of the work acheived by Guide Dogs by example. See below the past three of our lovable advocates experiencing different aspects of their working life. I am sure Bella would have had many tips that she could have passed on to Tango as could Tango to Lenny.
Stories from FaithfullyTheirs Guide Dogs Newsletter