Help your pooch beat the heat

The heatwave continues and there are some more scorching days and hot nights ahead.
To keep your pooch safe and comfortable, check out 10 tips to help your dog beat the heat.
1. Walk your dog at cooler times of the day like early mornings or twilight. Always check the temperature of the footpaths, roads and metal plates before walking your dog on them. A good rule is: if you can’t hold your hand on the ground for five seconds then it’s too hot to walk on!
2. Limit your dog’s activity during the hottest part of the day (11am to 3pm) and avoid vigorous exercise or energetic play on hot days.
3. Change or top up your dog’s water in the bowl frequently.
4. If it’s not possible for your dog to be inside, make sure there are plenty of shady spots and water to access if outside. A friend or relative may be able to check on your dog throughout the day.
5. Ice blocks are fun to play with outside and can cool down the dog’s water too.
6. Paddle pools are great to play in to cool down (always supervise under-six month-old pups when paddling).
7. Lay a damp towel on your tiles for your dog to lie on.
8. Promote air circulation in your house using fans – but keep electrical cords away from sharp teeth!
9. Freeze water bottles and lay them in your puppy’s bed area so the pup can lean on them.
10 Never leave your dog in the car.
At our social enterprise, Beau’s Pet Hotel, the suites are climate-controlled. On days where it’s too hot to be outside, there’s plenty of inside play areas to keep your fur babies amused and exercised in air conditioned comfort. Check out our facilities.