Include a Charity Week: Kate’s Story

Your legacy will guide our future.
This week is Include a Charity Week, when we celebrate the wonderful contribution of people who have left a gift in their Will to their chosen charity. Kate, a dedicated and passionate volunteer and bequestor for Guide Dogs, shares her story below.
“My name is Kate and I am a volunteer and bequestor for Guide Dogs SA/NT. I volunteer as a home boarder, caring for dogs while they attend formal training with Guide Dogs, after they have completed their 12 months with the wonderful puppy raisers. In this role, I have had the privilege of witnessing the incredible skills, care and dedication that goes into transforming a loveable Labrador into a highly skilled Guide Dog, Autism Assistance Dog, or Therapy Dog.
I’ve also been lucky enough to meet some of the clients who have been matched with a Guide Dog, and see first-hand the remarkable difference these dogs have made to their lives, providing them with improved mobility, confidence and independence.
My passion for improving the quality of life for people with vision impairment runs in the family; I can remember learning Braille with my Grandpa when I was little, after he suffered sudden vision loss. My Mum taught me about the importance of giving back to the community by being a longterm Guide Dog Puppy Sponsor – ‘Guide Dog Grandma’ as I call her. She was the one who encouraged me to get involved with Guide Dogs and I’m so glad I did.
Working full time means I’m not always able to contribute as much time to volunteering as I’d like to; I wanted to do something more. That was when I decided to make a bequest to Guide Dogs. The team at Guide Dogs were extremely helpful and guided me through the process of leaving this special gift. I loved that it was an easy action I could take right now! I am proud to be a member of the Buddy for Life program, and would love you to join me by leaving a gift to Guide Dogs in your Will.
You might think that making a Will is a gloomy thing – not at all. It’s just a simple, practical act, and one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. The recent loss of a good friend of mine really brought home to me the value of having a Will and how it can ease the pressure on families during what can be a distressing time.
My Will gives me peace of mind, knowing that my wishes will be respected. My family understand how much it means to me, and recognise that I’m doing something special by making a bequest to Guide Dogs. By leaving a gift in my Will, I feel a genuine comfort knowing that I am assisting Guide Dogs to continue their life-changing work well into the future.”
– Kate Hallam (Volunteer and Bequestor for Guide Dogs)
Bequests are the greatest commitment a supporter can make to Guide Dogs.
Leaving a gift in your will can make a profound change to the life of a person with disability. You may never meet the person whose life your kindness changes, but they will never forget your contribution. Your legacy will help guide our future. For more information on leaving a gift in your Will, visit our Gifts in Wills page or call Zoe Rennie on our Planning Giving team on (08) 8203 8319.