Marie bowls ’em over with medal winning game

Gold! Gold! Gold! Big congratulations to Marie Ryan who bowled ’em over in 10 pin bowling at the recent Masters Games.
Her team of three, who are all legally blind, won an incredible 11 Gold and one Silver medal between them and five of these were Marie’s. She was also the overall top scoring female in ten pin bowling.
Marie’s Guide Dog Ebony sat quietly on the sidelines as Marie competed in the games. Marie became visually impaired from brain damage after being hit by a drunk driver 21 years ago.
As she told The Advertiser recently: “You can sit in the corner and mope or you can stand on the two feet God gave you, move on and do something extraordinary.”
She is also an active volunteer for Guide Dogs SA in our Discovery Centre.
Marie can see where she is bowling from but can’t see the pins and a spotter tells her what pins are remaining and she visualises in her mind the pin placement.
The team has been bowling together for seven years. They now have their goals set to compete in the Pan Pacific Masters Games in November next year on the Gold Coast.
Go Marie!