Need for Puppy Raisers

Our puppies need people living in the Adelaide area to take them into their homes and hearts for about one year.
Our special Guide Dog puppies are “fostered” by puppy raising families at about eight weeks of age and can spend up to 14 months in the care of their foster family.
Puppy raisers are responsible for introducing their puppy to a number of different environments and situations including: buses and trains, shopping centres, restaurants, other public places.
Our puppy advisors are on hand to provide regulare input and support to puppy raisers. All food and medical expenses are met by Guide Dogs SA/NT.
We need puppy raisers who:
- work part-time or less
- have a secure yard
- children in the family must be school age or older
- can spend time training and socialising the puppy.
When the Guide Dog puppies have completed all the requirements of socialisation, they leave their special foster home to start the next stage of their journey – attending Guide Dog School.
It’s difficult saying goodbye, but it’s a wonderful comfort to know that you have contributed to the vital training of a Guide Dog or Autism Assistance Dog who will one day assist someone who is blind or vision impaired or a family with a child living with Autism. Plus, there’s always the chance of “fostering” another puppy.