New Year Resolutions

How are your New Year Resolutions tracking?
If contributing more to your community was one – here are eight ways you can achieve that through Guide Dogs SA/NT and you can carry it through all year!
1. Sponsor a puppy! Help us raise the next generation of Guide Dogs, Autism Assistance Dogs and Pets as Therapy Dogs by sponsoring a puppy litter. It’s easy to do and you get regular updates on their progress. Find out how to give the gift of independence.
2. Feed a collection dog every time you shop! Our iconic collection dogs are everywhere – just like our Guide Dogs! They’ve been a focus in shopping centres and businesses for more than 40 years and every little coin goes on to make a big difference. Don’t forget to rub his nose too after you’ve popped a coin in the slot. You could also have one for your business or workplace.
3. Host a community event or fundraiser for Guide Dogs! Have a great time with your friends or work colleagues and organise a fundraiser by having a morning tea, casual day, sausage sizzle, car boot sale, craft stall, sporting competition or hot dog day. Register with Guide Dogs and we’ll give you some tips on how to hold your fundraiser.
4. Shop at Guide Dogs! Who doesn’t love shopping? Buy a gift for yourself , a friend or relative from the online shop! There’s a whole range of goodies from tee-shirts to mugs, USB sticks and plush toy puppies and pamper packs for your pooch. Check out the range.
5. Volunteer with Guide Dogs! There are a whole host of ways to volunteer with us and it’s a great way to not only gain new skills but to meet new people. Learn more about getting involved.
6. Raise a Guide Dog puppy! Not only will you have the joy of a wet nose and wagging tail you’ll be helping these little cuties on their journey to change lives. Check out more information.
7. Protect your furry friend! Cats and dogs aren’t just pets they are part of your family. Cover your pets against life’s surprises all year round while helping to support us with Guide Dogs Pet Insurance.
8. Buy a virtual gift for a Guide Dog Puppy! Buy a super treat for our superheroes. There’s a range of virtual gifts to choose from bowls and toys to vaccinations and harnesses. Choose your gift to suit your budget.