News travelling fast about Beau’s Pet Hotel

News is travelling fast about Guide Dogs SA’s social enterprise Beau’s Pet Hotel. Have you seen the bus advertising and the huge billboards near the Airport yet?
Beau’s is open for business on Monday 28 August.
Guide Dogs SA believes Beau’s will become an iconic destination for pets and profits will go towards funding services for people living with disability.
Located on Adelaide Airport’s western edge, adjacent to Tapleys Hill Road, the $9 million state-of-the-art pet hotel will provide both luxury and affordable mid-range personalised accommodation for dogs, cats and other pets while their owners are away on holidays or business.
The industry-leading facility features 262 standard and luxury rooms for dogs and cats, extensive indoor and outdoor enclosures where pets can run and play and a water wall for cats to dab. Central Bark features a water fountain for dogs to frolic.
In the luxury suites there are televisions for our doggy guests, a lounge area and owners can arrange a Skype call to make sure their fur kids are enjoying their holiday at Beau’s.
Best of all while giving your pet a fantastic holiday, you’ll be giving back to your community.