No Hopers’ of Brompton adopt Guide Dogs SA/NT as their Special Project in 1968

December 14, 2017

Throwback Thursday celebrating Guide Dogs SA/NT 60th Anniversary recognises a wonderfully generous and a character filled group of friends – and a huge Christmas stocking.

Thirty drinking companions with hearts of gold made the Park View Hotel Brompton the headquarters of what they rollickingly named ‘The No Hopers Club” to join forces in dedicating themselves to helping all manner of good causes.  Their name was perhaps modest self-deprecation as they gave much hope to others with their generosity.

Noel Teasdale, the proprietor and noted football player, was an ardent supporter of Guide Dogs SA/NT.  So, in 1968 four years after their formation, they adopted Guide Dogs as their special project and raised $1,200 from the Christmas Stocking fund raiser.

Three giant stockings, 14ft, 10ft and 8ft all jammed with assorted goodies were raffled.  Imagine the joy that any one of these stockings must have brought the lucky girl or boy that Christmas! The No Hopers had big plans for 1969 to better this magnificent effort. Mr Dizzy Davis advised that this year was just a starter with their intent to build a sleigh to fill with gifts and potentially raise twice the amount.

At the time the people of Brompton related stories too numerous to elaborate of the wonderful deeds of the No Hopers.  This first-hand account of their efforts for Guide Dogs SA/NT is but one of them!!

A lovely story to mark the Christmas season and spirit!


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I’m looking forward to the future, and this Christmas I’m hoping to receive the greatest gift: a Guide Dog.