Paw Prints Autumn 2017

April 03, 2017

The latest edition of Paw Prints newsletter is out now! Find out what has been happening at Guide Dogs, thanks to your ongoing support. Read inspirational stories about the people you are helping and the wonderful ways in which you can become involved.

Highlights in this edition include a story on Pippa, the Pets As Therapy dog, changing the lives of the children at Christies Downs Primary School. It’s thanks to you that Pippa can be placed at this school and provide a distraction to some of the traumatic events they may deal with in their day-to-day lives. Pippa creates a reason for these children to come to school every day.

This edition also includes an update on Arron who was featured in our Christmas appeal. During this appeal, Guide Dogs supporter Neil Cundy, was so touched by Arron’s story that he pledged $15,000 if supporters like you could help match that amount again. Neil’s pledge saw a wonderful response and now thanks to generous people like you and Neil, Arron is one step closer to being matched with his own Guide Dog and achieving his dream of becoming a full-time musician.

Also learn about Australia’s first sensory-friendly shopping experience at Adelaide’s Frewville Foodland. ‘Quiet Hour’ provides a peaceful and positive environment to enable people with sensory overload, including autism, to take part in everyday tasks like grocery shopping, that most of us take for granted.

I hope you enjoy reading about how you have helped changed the lives of people like Arron and the children at Christies Downs Primary School, and how your continued support will continue to help enhance the quality of life of people living with disability.

Click here to read Paw Prints

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