Guide Dogs SA/NT celebrates National Volunteer Week

Date | Time
Mon 21 May, 2018

About the event

Today, we paraded in celebration of National Volunteer Week (21-27 May), honouring the incredible contribution that our volunteers make to Guide Dogs SA/NT. In gratitude to the volunteers that are an essential part of our organisation, we hosted a mid-year celebration at Guide Dogs office. Thank you to those who attended the parade and spent time with us afterwards to socialise and enjoy a barbeque lunch.

The theme of National Volunteer Week 2018 is: ‘Give a little. Change a lot.’ For Guide Dogs SA/NT, this means that individual contributions are important and valued, but it’s our capacity to work together – to pool our expertise, resources and passion – that helps us enhance the lives of people living with disability.

We currently have 280 volunteers working across Guide Dog Services, Fundraising, Business Support, Community Talks, Special Projects, and Customer Service, and you each bring a wealth of experience and skill to Guide Dogs SA/NT.

With each phone call you make, every collection dog you distribute, all the puppies you raise and dogs you help to train, you’re contributing to the success of Guide Dogs SA/NT and our mission to support safety, independence, and inclusion for people living with sensory disability.

As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Learn more about volunteering with Guide Dogs SA/NT.

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