Clearing the way for all pedestrians

Guide Dogs SA.NT is urging local residents to look at their footpaths – and consider the mobility needs of a person with a vision impairment.
Guide Dogs SA.NT Chief Executive Officer Kate Thiele said being able to safely use local footpaths and walkways to get to the shops, catch a bus or walk the dog, can often be a challenge for people with a vision impairment.
“Being able to navigate public walkways blocked by obstacles such as overhanging trees, overgrown plants, rubbish bins and parked cars presents many safety hazards,” Ms Thiele said.
Angela Schiller, a member of the City of Victor Harbor’s Disability Access Advisory Committee also highlighted the danger overhanging branches can cause for people with a vision impairment.
Glenn Sanford, Council’s Director of Environment and Infrastructure said that residents are encouraged to take pride in their street, however footpaths must be kept free of all obstructions including trees, shrubs and ground cover.
What residents can do:
- Don’t park over footpaths
- Ensure trees on private property don’t overhang footpaths
- Don’t leave obstacles such as bins and bikes on footpaths
- Report any areas where street trees are overhanging footpaths to Council so that they can be trimmed