Guide Dogs named ‘top dog’ at awards night

Guide Dogs is proud to be announced the recipient of Aged and Community Services SA.NT’s Organisation Award at the annual award ceremony held last night.
The State and National Aged Care and Community Service Awards recognise the achievements of aged care professionals, providers and organisations that care for older Australians.
Guide Dogs Chief Executive Officer Kate Thiele said the award is a significant achievement for the organisation.
“We needed to provide examples of innovation, excellence and leadership and how this has resulted in quality care and exceptional services for our clients.
“This award is fantastic recognition of the work that we do and it’s great measure of how we are being perceived as a premium provider in the disability sector.
“We’re fortunate to have such a dedicated team at Guide Dogs, so it’s a real honour that one of our Orientation and Mobility Instructors was named Trainee of the Year.”
The awards also acknowledge efforts to increase public confidence and community involvement in aged and community care services.
“Guide Dogs is committed to improving the quality of life of people living with a disability and making a real difference in the community,” Ms Thiele said.
Guide Dogs was also a finalist in the Employee Award category and the Media Award category.
The national awards will be held on the Gold Coast in September.