Clients achieving amazing things: Warren taking on the Newcastle marathon

We have many Clients achieving amazing things in our community. One of those people is former Paralympian and visually impaired runner Warren McKennariey. Warren was born with glaucoma, a progressive eye disease causing irreversible vision loss and blindness. He isn’t letting that stop him though, Warran is set to compete in his first marathon, but he isn’t doing it alone. “I excitedly answered a call out from a guy I had never met, who put his hand up to be a running guide for a South Australian living with blindness or low vision to compete in races. I’m glad I did, we are the perfect running partners,” Warren says.
Preparation for a marathon is months in the making and training has to be a little more organised and a lot more trusting. Running partner and Human Guide Oscar, had just completed his Human Guide Training with Guide Dogs as part of his role as a Passenger Service Assistant (PSA) at Keolis Downer, the operator of Adelaide Metro train services, and felt inspired to do more. That’s when he gave Warran the call offering to be his running partner and Human Guide and the two decided to take on a marathon!
“We’re aiming to raise $5,000 to help improve the lives of other South Australians with low vision or blindness… At the end of the day, it’s all about having fun but also raising awareness that you don’t need to avoid running because you are visually impaired.” Warren says.
Every hour, every day, an Australian learns that they will lose their sight. If you are in a position to help, please find the link below to show your support for South Australians living with a disability. Warran and Oscar want to say a huge thank you in advance for your generosity; together we can ensure no one is left behind.
If you would like to support the pair in their marathon effort to raise funds for Guide Dogs SA/NT, visit: